Season 3, E9 ~ Exploring the Impact and Evolution of Stan Culture: From Politics to Entertainment with feminist culture critic Roslyn Talusan


Have you ever wondered why nobody seems to care about aliens anymore? Or why public incidents such as Mitch McConnell's alleged stroke on live TV can trigger personal trauma? Well, buckle up as we zestfully navigate these mysteries before welcoming our guest for this week: feminist culture critic, author, and anti-rape activist Roslyn Talusan to share some laughs and reflections on Stan Culture.

We discuss the evolution and impact of this phenomenon, and Roslyn shares with us her brushes with stan culture (ahem, Ariana Grande, anyone?) while delving into the darker side of fandoms and how social media plays a massive part in it.

As conversations become increasingly heated online: how are the lines blurring between politics, entertainment, and stan-dom? We use real-life examples like the Bernie Bros or try to decode right-wing politician Ron DeSantis's campaign video, which relies solely on meme culture. We explore the implications of movements like Free Britney and how celebrities often wield the power of celebrity to make their stans do whatever they want (yeah, we're talking about the BTS Army).

Listen to the full episode where Roslyn indulges us in a game where we humorously decipher literal fan base names. If it sounds unhinged, it's probably because it is. Plus, don't forget to tune in on Sunday,  August 20th, for our next mini-episode.


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Show Notes and References!

  1. Why TV Can’t Quite Take a Stand on Stan Culture - The New York Times

  2. The 2010s: Social Media And The Birth Of Stan Culture - NPR

  3. How ‘Stan’ Culture Infiltrated Politics - Politico

  4. The Art of Becoming a Stan: From One Direction to BTS - State Press

  5. The Underbelly of Stan Culture: The Psychology, Legality of the Stan Experience - Essence

  6. A guide to music’s biggest stans and what they stand for - Vulture

  7. Internet mobs of pop-music fans have sent waves of harassment at critics. Sometimes they're fueled by the artists themselves - INSIDER


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